Phish came to the 1st Bank Center just down the street from Boulder for a three night stand and I was one of the lucky people to get tickets to one of those nights. It was a pretty amazing show, and Shondia and I got closer than I have ever been for them. Only a handful of people stood between us and the band for the second set.

It was amazing to be so close and actually be able to watch their hands picking and slapping individual strings.

Sadly, my iPhone is a pretty poor substitute for a camera and these are the only images I even tried to take. How I wish I could get a pass to take my 5D to a show and patrol the outskirts of the stage...

Set 1:
Runaway Jim
Back on the Train
Wolfman's Brother
Halley's Comet
What Things Seem
The Squirming Coil
Run Like an Antelope
Set 2:
Golden Age
Camel Walk
Gotta Jibboo
Wading in the Velvet Sea
Backwards Down the Number Line
Sleeping Monkey
Tweezer Reprise
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